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Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
The purpose of our ministry is to reach our youth right where they are. This ministry is designed to give all our youth the opportunity to let the word of God live in and through them. We have exceptional youth ministry leaders who not only love God but love our children as well.
Back to School Program
Career Day
Cotillion Ball
Drill Team
Fall Festival
Girl Scouts
Purity Class
Summer Enrichment
Summer Internship
Youth For Christ
Mime Group
Praise Dancers
Youth Council
Kingdom Youth Unleashed
Our goal is to provide an open atmosphere where students can know that they matter. Where students can be honest, open, heard, accepted, and equipped to live as a light for Christ, no matter what the cost! We do this by...
Extending the love of Christ to friends.
Being a light to those in darkness.
To ignite the passion for God in each other.
Increasing in knowledge of God's Word.
Growing in the character of Christ.
Serving in the church.
Serving in the community.
Serving in the world.
Call to Action!
Please help update the Youth Ministry Roster by either clicking the image or the link below.
NOTE: Complete one form per child. This information will be helpful and will be used by the Youth Ministry to contact you regarding youth events, i.e. youth programs, youth auxiliary participation, youth activities and outings, parent meetings, special invitations, and others.
New Mount Zion Baptist Church Children’s Church
MISSION: Teaching the Word of God "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." 1 Corinthians 3:6-9
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