NMZBC Sunday School
JOIN US! Sunday School is held virtually or via teleconference or now in person each Sunday. Find your class and time information below, and we'll "see" you Sunday!
Youth Sunday School Class
Youth Sunday School Classes begin at 8:55. Find your class and click to join!
Primary (4-6) UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:876 6509 0232, Passcode: 062336 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the ABC III
Juniors (7 – 11) UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:880 3694 3364, Passcode: 027852 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the ABC II
Intermediate I & II (12 and up) UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:880 1512 2154, Passcode: 793988 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the ABC I
Adult Sunday School Class
Adult classes meet at 8:55 unless otherwise noted via teleconference. Choose a class and dial in! "See" you there!
"The Breakfast Club" - Young Adults: Dial-in: 351-888-7413 begins at 9:00am
In person in the Fellowship III
Career Adult Class: UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:863 1114 0010, Passcode: 907892 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the Fellowship I & II
Marriage Class: UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:844 0379 6778, Passcode: 887469 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the Credit Union
Men's Class: Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:841 2898 2379, Passcode: 370613
In person in the Chapel Rear
Sweetheart Class: UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID: 832 1935 4262, Passcode: 446825 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
Women's Class: UPDATED! Join via Zoom, Meeting ID: 862 5447 8521, Passcode: 215804 or Dial: 1-346-248-7799
In person in the Chapel Front
New Member's Orientation Class
Are you new to the NMZBC church family? Join us for our New Member's Orientation Class! We aim to help you further develop your relationship with Christ and get to know who we are as a church family.
Join via Zoom, Meeting ID:829 0187 9631, Passcode: 486667 or Dial: 346-248-7799
Join use in person in the Sweetheart Room